A Yorkshire-born artist based in the South West, creating unique, vibrant digital landscape art inspired by nature and their love of travel.
A Yorkshire-born artist based in the South West, creating unique, vibrant digital landscape art inspired by nature and their love of travel.
I’m inspired by colour, pattern and texture, as well as the world around me. I love to travel and have a huge love of history, so as well as creating my work, I also get to indulge my other interests!
One customer commissioned a montage type design depicting her friend’s special places. She said: “I was finally able to give the print to my friend today and she loved it, mainly because the pretty street you chose in Aberaeron features her Mum & Dad's house, where she grew up! She was so surprised, as was I! What are the chances? So, thank you again. What a lovely ending!”.
This is tough as I end up loving them all. If I can pick two, they would be Seven Sisters, a group of trees on top of the Quantock Hills where my husband proposed, and also the Corn Exchange in Leeds that was created using snippets of AI generated work derived from designs taken from my original work. This one just seemed to come together in such a perfect way!
I’m always looking for more ways to be as sustainable as possible. I use recycled greyboard and eco cellophane bags for protection and each print is made using FSC certified card. I’d like to find packaging for the prints that people could reuse instead of recycle. I like to think items can live another life by taking up a repurposing approach.
My process. I use some Adobe software that was never really intended to be used in this way, so not only do I enjoy pushing the boundaries and exploring and experimenting, I also like to chat to people about it. They’re often really surprised.
A connection. People are always (pleasantly) surprised that I’ve managed to capture just the right essence of their special somewhere. I feel a strong connection when I’m designing a place and it’s so rewarding when you see people’s reactions!
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